A community-led movement to preserve 120 acres of green space
Environmental racism is targeting the Chicago Southland, directly impacting residents’ property values, health and safety, and the surrounding environment.
Diversified Partners, LLC wants to re-zone Calumet Country Club from public land & open space to manufacturing, and construct a trucking hub over these 130 acres of green space.
We intend to stop them.
Our grassroots group of over 1500 Southland residents continues to advocate for acquisition of the land by the Forest Preserve of Cook County. With over $1 billion in funding coming to Cook County from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), as well as the Cook County Forest Preserve Tax Referendum passed on November 8, 2022, we believe a sliver of this funding should be used to provide a healthy greenspace for our community.
Our Goals for the Property
At a public event in October 2021, residents participated in a visioning exercise where nearly unanimous input preferred the country club property be used for a forest preserve or a park. Residents recommended amenities of walking trails, bike trails, community gardens/greenhouses, an urban forest, outdoor & nature education classes, camping, archery, and kayaking.
Send a templated Email to Cook County Commissioners
Ask them to please disperse funds to the Forest Preserve to allow for land acquisition, conversion, and maintenance of a new forest preserve along the Hazel Crest-Homewood-East Hazel Crest boundary lines. None of these communities currently have a forest preserve within their boundary lines.
The fight began in Homewood…
it continues in Hazel Crest
Watch them fumble.
Glenwood Trustee, Adam Winston, recently hosted a Tea & Conversation with South Suburbs for Greenspace, and Calumet Country Club’s property owner’s current consultant firm, Catalyst Consulting Group.
Raise your voice!
Hazel Crest’s Board Meetings occur every 2nd and 4th Tuesday. We’re consistently showing up to let the Mayor and Trustees know we don’t want this property to be developed.
Memos from John Murphey, Hazel Crest Village Attorney
“As proposed, this project will provide no property tax relief to Hazel Crest taxpayers.”
“’Perimeter property promises’ that can’t be guaranteed or enforced and appear quite speculative.”
“This development is not going to increase property tax revenues for the Village or provide tax relief to homeowners.”
“Who would want to live in a condo adjacent to a massive warehouse project?”
“No lender is going to lend money to this project based on speculative proposed perimeter uses.”
Mayor Alsberry previously opposed this development.
“So let's make it clear - the Village of Hazel Crest does not support the proposed agreed development of the calumet country club into a trucking distribution center. We must work together to maintain access to open spaces, to ensure clean air and quality water for all our residents.”
"Hazel Crest will not consider annexing this property based on this development and this proposed development plan. We do not want to do business with this developer."
“We strongly encourage the Village of Homewood to turn down the deal with this developer and invite them to join forces with us to petition Cook Country Forest Preserve District and the State of Illinois Open Space Acquisition of this property, and to make it available to all Southland residents.”
Now he’s all for it… Why’s that?
Aslberry received two $5,000 donations from the property owner’s consultant, Catalyst.
One donation was received the day after they emailed to speak with him. The other was received around the time they toured the property.
Many confronted Alsberry about his pay-to-play politics, but he refuses to listen! Come raise your voice!
We’ve got the receipts!
Who We’re Up Against
Property Owner, Founder and CEO of Diversified Partners
“(T)he demographic make up of a community and its surroundings are what dictate a market.” - email to Homewood Trustees
Managing Partner at Catalyst Consulting Group, Project Executive
Zoning Attorney, Neal & Leroy LLC
“he and his partners at Neal & Leroy” … “made millions of dollars working for governmental bodies, then turning around and lobbying some of the same bodies for other high-paying clients.” - Chicago Reader Article
Managing Partner at Catalyst Consulting Group, Leed Analyst
“Bass is a self-employed marketing executive who did outreach for former Gov. Bruce Rauner.” - Sun-Times Article
Managing Partner at Catalyst Consulting Group, Director of Development
Republican politician who lost his bid for District 29 of the Illinois House of Representatives.
View their ridiculous proposal!
Let your kids run around on the football field next to the photovoltaic glass factory surrounded by diesel trucks!
Remember: The Village Attorney and Walt Brown himself have already stated that only industrial development will happen here. Funding for the development will not be approved for the perimeter uses.
Click the image to view full proposal.
Watch our full information session!
After canvassing in Hazel Crest for three weekends straight, we held a public information session at Coyote Run!
Submit a Freedom of Information Act request!
Submit a Freedom of Information Act request!
If you have a question for Hazel Crest, feel free to fill out a FOIA form and email kspiek@villageofhazelcrest.com
Ready to take the next step?
This is a movement of thousands. Whether you’re most comfortable donating time canvassing and flyering, money to help retain legal advice, or energy to put political pressure on our governments to change, we need you!

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