South Suburbs for
Why do we fight?
We believe in clean air and green spaces for our children. We desire clear roadways for commuting to our jobs. These are shared values of Southland people.
We oppose the plans of an Arizona developer to bulldoze the green space and 2000+ trees of the 120+ acre Calumet Country Club to build a trucking distribution center bringing 350+ trucks daily to our beautiful Southland.
We are inspired by the multitude of Southland voices raised together to defeat this project. In unison we cry NO to increased traffic, increased noise, light, and air pollution and destruction of green space.
That land is better used for the enjoyment of all—walking trails, nature preserve, recreation, etc.!
We can stop this and keep our Southland Green!
Join our growing chorus and raise your voice!
Truck NO!
In 2019, as Illinois Southland Against Fossil Energy (IL SAFE), we successfully brought attention to, and ultimately defeated, the proposed construction of Oak Meadow Power Plant in Glenwood, IL.
We can do this! We know, because we’ve done it before.
About South Suburbs for Greenspace over Concrete
A multi-racial group of concerned residents of Homewood, Hazel Crest, East Hazel Crest, Flossmoor, Chicago Heights, South Holland and Glenwood formed in opposition to Diversified Partner LLC’s planned development of Calumet Country Club (2136 175th St, Homewood, IL 60430) into a fulfillment/trucking hub. The group is a campaign of IL SAFE.
About Illinois Southland Against Fossil Energy
Illinois Southland Against Fossil Energy (IL SAFE) was founded in response to the proposed gas-burning power plant in Glenwood. SAFE is building an inclusive, multi-racial coalition that believes the Southland needs and deserves a clean environment, clean government, healthy people, and a healthy economy.